
Keeping up with Technology

Keeping up with Technology

A common complaint and struggle from those with hearing loss is their difficultly in hearing and following a conversation in a noisy restaurant. Understandable, since even those with perfect hearing can struggle in a noisy restaurant. You may want to ask the hostess...

Making Sense of Sound

Did you know that we hear in our brains? Sure, our ears are responsible for sending information to the brain, but it is the brain that requires a complete and clear signal for the ears to focus, recognize, orient, and separate sounds in the environment. The fewer...

Everything you wanted to know about… Hearing Aid Batteries

Everything you wanted to know about… Hearing Aid Batteries

The length of time that hearing aid batteries will last depends not only on the brand, but also the particular type of hearing aids that you are using. If your hearing aid requires more power, the battery will run out faster. Usually, hearing aid batteries will last...